Isabel Capeloa Gil, President of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, made an institutional visit to the Pontifícia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ), in Bogotá, Colombia, at the invitation of the Rector, Fr Luis Fernando Múnera Congote, S.J.. The visit provided an opportunity to evaluate joint programmes, degree programmes and to learn more about research and training in medicine.
During her stay, the President of Católica visited several PUJ faculties, including the Faculties of Arts, Engineering, Medicine and Sciences, where she had the opportunity to see their laboratories. As part of this visit, the PUJ's systemic Integral Ecology and Sustainability programme was also presented.
The Universidade Católica and the Pontifícia Universidad Javeriana have a co-operation agreement that aims to strengthen ties between the two institutions and create opportunities for international collaboration.
Founded by the Society of Jesus in 1623, the Pontifícia Universidad Javeriana is a Catholic university in Bogotá, recognised by the Colombian government, which aims to serve the human community, especially Colombia, seeking to establish a more civilised, more educated and more just society, inspired by the values of the Gospel. It promotes the comprehensive formation of people, human values, the development and transmission of science and culture and contributes to the development, orientation, constructive criticism and transformation of society.