The President's Summer Break Message

The President's Summer Break Message

As we begin the much-appreciated time off that the summer break offers, it is important to give thanks, reflect, and rest.

Thanks for your daily commitment to Católica's mission and vision of building a more dignified and sustainable society through education and science. 

To reflect and remember the moments of the past academic year. Above all, to recall the luminous words of the Holy Father on August 3, 2023, at our Headquarters: 'One of Jesus' parables uses the example of a pearl of great price, which is sought and found only by the wise and resourceful, by those ready to give their all and risk everything they have in order to obtain it (cf. Mt 13:45-46). To seek and to risk: these are the two words that describe the journey of pilgrims.'

To seek and to risk are guidelines for those in search of scientific truth, they are guidelines for a university that is innovative and therefore inevitably restless. Only in this way can we form choreographers and entrepreneurs of dreams, as Pope Francis challenges us to do. 

May this rich moment in our history also inspire us in the next academic year and always in our life journey.

And because creating dreams also requires time to rest, may this summer break be an opportunity for everyone to give themselves time and renew their gaze on the endless richness of our world. From the seaside to the mountains, happy summer holidays!

Isabel Capeloa Gil
