The Universidade Católica Portuguesa is organising Rome Call: AI Ethics The Way Ahead, on February 4, starting at 5.30 p.m., at the University's headquarters in Lisbon (Auditorium 3).
Isabel Capeloa Gil, President of the University, and Archbishop Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, will open the meeting. This will be followed by the lecture ‘What is the matter with AI Ethics’, given by Arlindo Oliveira, professor at the Instituto Superior Técnico.
The programme also includes a round table on ‘Rome Call & AI Ethics’, with Miguel Almeida from CISCO, Lara Tropa from IBM and Abel Aguiar from Microsoft, moderated by William Hasselberger, director of the Digital Ethics Laboratory.
The summit will culminate with the signing of the Rome Call document, developed by the Pontifical Academy for Life, Microsoft, IBM, the FAO and the Italian Ministry of Innovation. This agreement aims to support an ethical approach to Artificial Intelligence and promote a sense of responsibility among organisations, governments, institutions and the private sector with the aim of creating a future in which digital innovation and technological progress serve human creativity and not gradually replace it.
Registration is now open and can be done here.