Directors of three faculties reappointed for the 2024-2027 triennium

Directors of three faculties reappointed for the 2024-2027 triennium

The renewal of the mandates of the heads of the Higher Institute of Canon Law, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics and the Faculty of Biotechnology took place on 17 July. According to Isabel Capeloa Gil, President of the Universdade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), it’s “a celebratory moment at the Universidade Católica when we swear in new heads of academic units”.

The UCP President welcomed the reappointed directors João Vergamota, Filipe Santos and Paula Castro and emphasised the importance of these “three units of very different scientific and academic scope, but which truly represent the multidisciplinarity of a university and its mission as a Universidade Católica, which is to serve the purposes of development for the common good”.

Filipe Santos expressed his gratitude for the renewed trust, emphasised “the strong spirit of alignment and collaboration between the school and the Rectorate” and also referred to the “huge leap forward in the Campus Veritati project”.

Paula Castro also thanked the President's team for the “implicit trust in the reappointment” and all those who have contributed to the ESB “reaching the level of excellence it is at today”.

João Vergamota said that “the inauguration of the new board of the Institute of Canon Law takes place on a significant anniversary of the twentieth anniversary of its foundation”.